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Established in 1997

Catholic Directory Logo was set up long before any other similar website in 1997 not only to help people find their local Catholic Church and Catholic Mass Times, Confession Times and Service Times. It has always been offered to users and to the Church as a free Resourece. I was also intended to create a foundation for communication in the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It now includes information from other parts of the world and forms the foundation of many websites and IT systems used by Catholic Organisations, Dioceses, Publishers and Parishes.

The directory was originally started on a voluntary basis and although it has turned into a company and then a group of companies it still remains something we offer for free for the same reasons we started with - to help promote the Catholic Church, to make the Church more accessible and to help the Church communicate internally. Although we are not a charity, we decided to become a business rather than a charity because we wanted our evangelising projects to be self-sustainable. This means this website and many of the resources we offer the Church do not use the Churches money or resources - in the majority of cases we save the Church money and often make money for the Church that can be used to improve communication and resources.

We have built a huge amount fo facilities for parishes and dioceses on our information - which means for the parishes and dioceses that use our services, the information is completely up to date. However, for those that do not use our services, the information is updated on a voluntary basis as and when we receive updates. Do contact us if you have updates, or if you would like to know a bit more about the huge number of services we offer to parishes and dioceses around the world.

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